Sunday, September 30, 2007

Moon festival

We took off from the Raingutter Regatta event around 5pm. After that, we drop off Vivien at her Slumber Party at the Gym. Vivien found a "big/twin sister". And they are so happy.

...... After that, we head out to Hollywood to catch up the Moon Festival. There, we had chance to eat lot of food, listen to music, and see the dance, and karate shows. That was fun.
But the best thing is, there was a Vietnamese girl that Leo and Vivien used to listen and watch her DVD when they were small..... and she was there from Vietnam to celebrate Moon Festival with us. That was amazing. She is so grown up. I almost didn't recognize her if the M.C did not say her name.
I have a chance to take one picture of her with Leo when she walked around singing the song.

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